Many of the rivercare activities described here document the experiences of individuals, families and local groups trying to improve the quality of the waterways on their own properties and in their community. Hopefully they will provide not just information but also inspiration for the future protection of our wetlands, rivers and inlets. There are also reports on projects carried out by government agencies, most commonly the Department of Water, since it has the major responsibility for protecting waterways in the state.

Click on a red dot on the map to see the project at that location
Crooked Creek Denmark wetland Potters Creek Kalgan River Takalarup Creek Gnowellan Wetlands 1 Gnowellan Wetlands 2 Cleveland Creek Bremer River West River Oldfield River Dalyup River Coramup Creek 2 Coramup Creek 1 Beaumont Wetland 3 Beaumont Wetland 2 Bremer survey River survey2 Hay survey River survey1 River survey1 River survey1 Springs Kent Action plan Phillips Oldfield seagrass PRH Walpole-Nornalup Manypeaks Wetland Gaalgebup Creek Gordon River Gnowangerup Spring Floodplain management Culvert Sleeman River Ongarup Creek Wodonup Creek Warperup Creek Jinjinnup Lake Minvalara Swamp Gairdner river Oldfield River Beaumont Wetland 1 Little River
